Education at iMap School provides both 38 week day placements and education for those placed in our residential services aged 7 – 19.

It is a privilege to be the principal of iMap School and Fern House School and College.
I have a plethora of experience in both mainstream and SEND schools and I’ve held a variety of senior leadership roles including Headteacher. My vision is to create a happy, warm, welcoming school community that supports all our young people to grow and develop in a safe, nurturing environment. Our children will have so many talents to share and discover as they progress through our school and college.

With our company ethos being “through understanding we will empower each individual to achieve their aspirations”, we shorten this to Understand, Empower, Aspire and display these icons as reminders across all services. Nowhere stands out as a better example of this ethos than our school.
Education at the iMap school is bespoke and tailored to each individual’s needs, preferences, qualities, abilities, interests, challenges and learning style. With a low arousal structured school environment, we provide learning spaces adapted to meet sensory preferences that are personalised for each pupil. We take the utmost care in the personal well-being of each student and members of our school community.
This is because our specialist trained staff have a technical knowledge and Understanding of evidence-informed approaches associated with good autism practice, and we are able to adapt these approaches so that we can provide our bespoke, person-centred support and education.
This Empowers them to excel in whatever strengths that they have and supports them through any difficulties. With a focus on long term results and success, we encourage reflection with the students on their past achievements as well as future achievements and Aspirations.
We understand each individual is different and has different aspirations, and from an outside perspective, someone may judge that one aspiration is better than another. At iMap we understand that an aspiration is an aspiration, whatever it may be, and it is important and valuable to that individual, whether it is getting into higher education or just being capable of living more independently we will support that individual to achieve it and never disqualify their ambitions in life, yet we will always encourage them to aim as high as possible.
Our school is part of the iMap Centre group, it is based in a beautiful 84 acre site in Barrowmore, rural Cheshire. The school provided high quality inclusive education for young people with Autism, complex learning, communication and sensory integration needs. The curriculum support is personalised to ensure that each student can achieve their academic, social and life skills potential. We offer education provision from the age of 7 to 19 for up to twenty pupils.
We promote excellent personal development and academic achievement alongside progression in communication skills, choice, independence and social skills. Our education team work to create a structured learning environment where students can reach their full potential.
The school strives to provide a curriculum that is diverse and stimulating, and often having to find new ways to engage learners. School aims to engage with the local area as much as possible, and this has been explored through Coffee Mornings, Charity fun days and work experience.
We aim to create levels of independence for all pupils, and therefore work on upskilling them in their living skills, from cooking, paying bills, applying for jobs, to even creating a mock polling station to allow them to vote.
iMap School Prospectus >
click here to view
- Local Offer
- Our Vision
- Admissions Policy
- School Statement Policy on Provider Access
- Anti-bullying Policy
- Behaviour Policy
- Complaints Policy
- Curriculum Policy
- Data Protection & GDPR Policy
- Equality & Diversity Policy
- Suspension & Exclusion Policy
- First Aid Policy
- Administering Medication Policy
- Safeguarding Policy
- SRE for young people with Autism Policy
- School Health and Safety Policy
- Social, Moral, Spiritual & Cultural Policy
- Special Educational Needs Policy
- Careers Guidance Policy
- Location Rik Assessment
- Missing from Education Policy
- RSHE Policy
- To empower each individual to achieve their aspirations
- To enrich through a broad, balanced curriculum
- To provide skills, knowledge and understanding
- To achieve individual EHCP outcomes
- To prepare students for life following education at iMap
- We are adaptable and cater for a wide range of abilities within the school population,
- We are person centred, intuitive, and responsive to individual need and ‘spikey profiles’,
- We provide full access to the national curriculum, scaffolding appropriately to enable all,
- We deliver and monitor though highly qualified teaching staff and teaching assistants,
- We provide routine, use concrete language, direct teaching and provide minimal sensory stimulation.
- We provide frequent and regular opportunities for students to repeat, retrieve and generalise knowledge and skills across contexts,
- We offer opportunity for real-life application of knowledge and skills to prepare pupils for increased independence,
- We are sensitive to differences in sensory stimulation and communication,
- We see and play to the strengths of neurodiversity.
A constant cycle of plan, do, review informs our intent, implementation and impact. Therefore, the assessment of our impact is the essential key to identify the success of our intent and implementation. We establish this though a variety of means;
- Where appropriate, the success of accreditation and qualifications,
- Confidence and self-worth assessed through student voice and multidisciplinary meetings,
- Communication skills gained evidenced through regular pupil review meetings,
- Life skills measured by the opportunities our students access post iMap,
- Emotional regulation, identified through our PBS informed tracking systems with guidance from our clinical lead.
- Art award
The curriculum covers seven areas of learning:
- Linguistic
- Mathematical
- Scientific
- Technological
- Human and social
- Physical
- Aesthetic and creative
In meeting these areas, where appropriate, we access the Equals Curriculum and/ or the adapted National Curriculum depending on the needs of the learner.
The school follows a range of accreditation routes from:
ASDAN in Personal Progress and Personal, Social Development, ranging from Entry Level 1 to Entry Level 3.
NOCN Functional skills in English, Maths and ICT, Level 1 to Level 3.
We work in partnership with local colleges, employers and community projects to extend the curriculum into vocational subjects and offer work experience opportunities.
14+ education
The school caters for young people up-to the age of 19, where we ensure that we deliver a bespoke curriculum that meets their needs, and prepares them for the transition to adulthood, and independence.
The focus is on developing a range of functional skills, including social interaction, communication skills, financial awareness, leisure activities etc. We make use of our local community’s facilities as much as possible to ensure a practical hands-on experience.

Amanda Higham

Martin Mckevitt

Consultant Quality and Governance RI and NI
Feedback from Regulators


Community Options
Children’s Residential
Adult Residential
Prospective parents and students are welcome to come and visit the iMap Centre. Please contact us for an appointment.
- iMap School Unit 4a Barrowmore Estate Barhouse Lane Great Barrow CH3 7JA
- 01829 741 869